A cháirde,
These Protocols have been devised by the Traffic sub-committee in consultation with:
An Garda Siochana,
Limerick SMARTER Travel / An Taisce Green Flag
Limerick County Council
They have been approved by the Board of Management of Gaelscoil Chaladh an Treoigh.
It is the expectation of Gaelscoil Chaladh an Treoigh Board of Management that parents/guardian will adhere to these pick-up protocols for the safety and benefit of all concerned.
Gaelscoil Chaladh an Treoigh encourages all parents to consider and choose Smarter Travel options.
An Garda Siochana emphasise that they are keen to support safe driving and pick-up practice and are prepared to intervene against unsafe and illegal driver behaviour.
The School Day
Céad Cloigín
Fáilte roimh páistí na Naíonáin sa halla. Téann rang 1-6 go dtí an líne.
Dara Cloigín
Buaileann an múinteoir leis na páistí sa chlós
Sos & Lón A
10 -10:15 & 11:40 - 12:05
Rang na Naíonáin & Rang 6
Sos & Lón B
10:20 -10:35 & 12:10 - 12:35
Rang 1, 3 & 5 (Rang 1 na Laoi)
Sos & Lón C
10:40 -10:55 & 12:40 - 1:05
Rang 1,2 & 4 (Rang 1 na Life)
Naíonáin ag dul abhaile
Téann na naíonáin amach go dtí an chlós leis na múinteoirí
Téann na páistí rang 1-6 abhaile
Siuleann na páistí amach sa chlós agus téann siad abhaile

Naionain Bheaga & Mhóra – 1:10pm pick-up
School students are under the supervision of a teacher while inside school gates.
Students will not be released outside the gates until the parents/guardian collecting them has arrived.
- It is highly recommended that you park at Castletroy Shopping Centre car park and walk to school for collection.
- If driving up to the school you may park on the left hand side as you approach the school. Please avoid parking on the bend as this causes an obstruction for others.
- Once parked please exit your car, collect your child from their teacher at the school gate and return to your car in a timely manner.
- Please park facing the school; please don’t obstruct the entrance or park inside the private Munster GAA car park.
- On wet days the children will exit from the halla; the procedures 2 and 3 above still apply
- We promote the use of the roundabout at the school gates as you depart, as part of an efficient one-way traffic flow exit
Rang 1-6 – 2:10pm
- Gaelscoil Chaladh an Treoigh encourages parents to park at Castletroy Shopping Centre and walk to school for child collection as part of ‘Smarter Travel’ initiatives
- All students will go to an end of school assembly.
- Students will be split into 2 groups, a) walking bus and b) school collection.
- Siblings must stay together (either in Walking Bus or School Collection)
School Collection @ 2:10pm
- If driving up to the school to collect your child/children, please remain in your car.
- Do not park and leave/abandon your car on the approach to the school.
- Students will not exit the school until 3 mins after the ‘Walking Bus’ departure.
- Students will walk down the set-down pathway and beyond for parent collection
- It important to move away from set-down/pick-up zone as soon as possible
- We advise departing by way of the roundabout at school gate as part of an efficient one-way traffic flow exit.
Walking Bus @ 2:07pm
- Parent Volunteers will collect students for the walking bus at school and lead students to Castletroy Shopping Centre on the SMART path-way
- Walking Bus ‘departure’ will be 3 minutes ahead of all other students to increase safety for the Walking Bus.
- Walking Bus will only stop for parents collection at the ‘Main Entrance Door’ to the Castletroy Shopping Centre
Independent walking/cycling @ after 2:10pm
- Students that currently independently walk/cycle home from school can continue to do so.
- They will leave school with the group of children that are for School Collection.