Tionscnaimh Scoile
Tá réimse tionscnaimh agus cláracha scoile á reachtáil i nGaelscoil Chaladh an Treoigh ar bhonn leanunach. Is iad príomh aidhm na tionscnaimh seo ná chun nasc a chothú idir pobal na scoile agus an pobal i gcoitinne.
School Initiatives
There are a number of ongoing initiatives and programmes that take place at Gaelscoil Chaladh an Treoigh. These initiatives aim to engage with the whole school and wider school community.
Cairde Feadh Saol/ Friends for Life

Sláinte a chur chun cinn/Health Promoting School

Aistear/Play based learning

Junior Entrepreneur Programme JEP

Accelerated Reader AR

Scoileanna Gníomhacha/ Active Schools

Blianta iontacha/ The Incredible Years

Food Dudes

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Digital Schools of Distinction

Literacy Lift Off LLO


Drop Everything and Read DEAR Time

Mata sa Rang

Scoileanna Glasa/ Green Schools

Eolaíocht/ Discover Primary Science

Content and Language Integrated Learning
